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Kamis, 19 November 2015

How to add clustrmap to your blog

Creating Your Map

1. go to  ClustrMaps. 

2.After you are in clustrmap page. enter your blog adress (ex: then press create map

3. then after you enter you need to log on with your email adress

4. then, you copy the recommended address for your blog.

5. then you got your map!

Putting the map to your blog

what i read about putting clustrmap on your blog is the same as how you put your custom cursor on it. if you don't know the tutorial, i will tell you again. clustrmap edition

1. first you open your blog

2. then you click on design

3. after that, you click on edit html

4. when you already in the html code, you goooooo veryyyy down until the bottom, then paste the address that you already copy

5.then press save

There you got it, your clustrmap. clustrmap is a map that will show your page viewers in the map. if it doesn't work on my way, (im sorry to say) you can search on other page of how to install clustr map. and i'm so so sorry i cannot prove to you if it's working on my way.

Thank You for viewing my blog and i hope you can do it, and also please follow me/my page so you can know the other post that i post ( get it)

Good Bye and i hope you have a verryyyy happy day.

Rabu, 11 November 2015

My First LDK

Hello everyone!
im back from my long-long-long- long..long........... trip............yea

so today im gonna tell you my first ever experience LDK for 3 days (thats not long)

Me and my friends had followed all the activities of the LDK or Basic Leadership Training that is mandatory for all Grade 7th students of  Nizamia Andalusia Middle School. LDK trained by the teachers and brothers of the event organizer. They are very disciplined and resolute.

Our activities there is very tiring, full activity, we had to followed all the activities, the materials and the motivation to support our self-reliance. a very exciting activity that is "Jurit Malam" to test our mental, walking together in the middle of the night by using a flashlight pass through the areas that are very dark, some of our female friends cried with fear.

We are given a good meal there. We were also taught how to make a tent. We were very excited to all activities of this LDK.

LDK experience is very exciting, but also exhausting because of the dense schedule of activities. In addition, hot sun in the morning also makes us overheated even though the weather is cold in the evening and there was rain. The purpose of all the activities of the LDK makes us more disciplined, decisive, able to solve the problems and can work well together in groups and it is necessary to be a reliable leader.

We experience many new things during this LDK activity and on the last day of LDK activities even more exciting and memorable. We hope our school will give us more than 3 days for our next LDK 

Selasa, 10 November 2015

Tentang Gizi Seimbang

Gizi seimbang adalah susunan makanan sehari-hari yang mengandung zat gizi dalam jenis dan jumlah yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan tubuh, dengan memerhatikan prinsip keanekaragaman atau variasi makanan, aktivitas fisik, kebersihan, dan berat badan (BB) ideal.

Jika seseorang mengalami kekurangan gizi, yang terjadi akibat asupan gizi di bawah kebutuhan,  maka ia akan lebih rentan terkena penyakit dan kurang produktif. Sebaliknya, jika memiliki kelebihan gizi akibat asupan gizi yang melebihi kebutuhan, serta pola makan yang padat energi (kalori) maka ia akan beresiko terkena berbagai penyakit seperti diabetes, tekanan darah tinggi, penyakit jantung dsb. Karena itu, pedoman gizi seimbang disusun berdasarkan kebutuhan yang berbeda pada setiap golongan usia, status kesehatan dan aktivitas fisik.

Untuk membantu setiap orang memilih makanan dengan jenis dan jumlah yang tepat, kebutuhan asupan gizi divisualisasikan dalam bentuk Tumpeng Gizi Seimbang (TGS), yang terdiri atas potongan-potongan tumpeng. Luasnya potongan menunjukkan porsi yang harus dikonsumsi setiap hari. TGS dialasi air putih, artinya air putih merupakan bagian terbesar dari zat gizi esensial bagi kehidupan untuk hidup sehat dan aktif.

tentang gizi seimbang